What is "LA PLĂCINTE"?

"La Plăcinte” it's a commercial brand in Republic of Moldova. It was founded in 1999, which from the first years of existence became the leader on national market and enlarged the list of companies with high indices of growth. 

The key of success of restaurant chain "La Plăcinte” is the high-quality process of selection the products and competent instruments of realization. Every dish has its own unique taste, and the secret of such taste is in its preparation. Chain «Andy’s Pizza» became not just a prosperous company, but also a symbol of quality.

Design of restaurants is made in such form that creates a special modern, comfortable, warm atmosphere and the same time accentuates elegance of "big city". "La Plăcinte”- it's a perfect place for business negotiations, meetings with friends, dinner with whole family, sentimental conversations, it's a choice of all ages.

Buying a franchise business you will receive: 

Business model 
Right to represent brand on appointed territory. 
Menu and preparation technology of dishes.
Supply of semi manufactured goods from production complex.
Interior and exterior design - specific brad style
Support in business development

How to open your own restaurant, 7 steps

  1. Joining "La Plăcinte". Fill in the form for potential Franchisee. Consideration the offer of franchising. 
  2. Sigh the contract. Co-ordination conditions of activities. Fee payment franchising. 
  3. Elaboration of project-design. Cooperation with restaurant designer.
  4. Execution of preliminary works. Execution of construction works and installation. Approbation of menu, suppliers and prices.
  5. Personnel trainings. Training course for staff ( duration - 2 weeks) about service standards, UP-SELLING, preparation technologies and other processes. 
  6. Developing marketing program. Realize PR campaign and promotions. Preparing marketing materials.
  7. Opening the restaurant. Opening is realized with support of "La Plăcinte” specialists and experts.






Location m2

200-250 m2


Type A, only with location in center


Type B, only with location in center

Investment € (nearly)

232 000 255 000 292 000

Royalty, % din vînzări

6 6 6

Total  personal

27 36 45





info: office@andys.md

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